Ben's Big Dig by Daniel Wakeman, Dirk van Stralen | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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Ben's Big Dig

Ben's Big Dig | Online Kid's Book
Ben's Big Dig
Average: 4.8 (4 votes)

Take a wetsuit on this trip! If you dug a hole to the other side of the earth, where do you think you would end up? In this wordless picturebook, pictures tell Ben's story of a midnight journey through the center of the earth and the surprising journey home. Ben's mother has dropped him off for a visit with his grandmother, a woman with a penchant for baking. Ben feels lost and lonely until he discovers a chest full of mining gear. He embarks on an adventure that will make him grateful for the hundreds of pies stacked in his grandmother’s kitchen.

Book Details

Pages: 20
Reading Level: Beginner (1 to 6)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781551433844
Categories: Action Adventure, Boys
Features: Illustrations
Keywords: water, digging, tunnel, dirt, comic strip
Date Added: October 13, 2011