Alice is a little tugboat that has a big problem—she can’t stop sneezing. She disturbs people that are fishing, gets in...read more
Swimming is one of the most-watched Olympic events! This title for beginning readers explores the sport, from strokes and...read more
Narwhals are the unicorns of the sea! These mysterious creatures may be known for their long tusks. But they have many...read more
A beluga whale swims among the floating ice of the Arctic Ocean. Its white skin helps it hide! Readers will explore this...read more
With their long arms and their ability to squirt ink, octopuses and squids are hard to tell apart! This title dives deep...read more
Long teeth, brown fur, and a home made of logs and sticks--it must be a beaver! Or could it be a muskrat? In this title,...read more
Lemon sharks may not look like lemons, but they do have yellow skin! Between the covers of this title, young readers will...read more
Bull sharks are one of the few species of sharks that can live in freshwater. Sometimes, they are found hundreds of miles...read more
Basking sharks get their name from their behavior of feeding near the surface of the water. They look like they are...read more
Platypuses are some of the world’s weirdest mammals! They may look strange, but their duck bills and flat bodies help...read more