How it Works | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book Library

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How it works

Discover Thousands of Books & Audiobooks

Any reading level, anywhere, anytime - inspire a love for reading in your child.

How it Works

Market and distribute your book, for FREE.

Spend your time bringing your stories to life.



Write your



Add your book
to our library



Earn money from your reads

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Upload your books, we’ll do the rest.

Without spending a penny or giving any of your rights away, you get ongoing digital distribution, social media networking and email marketing with our community. Spend more time bringing your stories to life and let us take care of the rest.

We know digital isn’t for everyone, but your books are still valuable to them, so we also let you provide a link where our readers can find your books for sale anywhere on the web.

image of boy balancing books
image of boy on mobile phone

Accessibility the right way. Mobile

Add your books to our digital shelves today by uploading a single PDF file and we’ll create a magical eBook that our readers will enjoy. Add an MP3 file with audio narrations or music and quickly turn it into an audio book. Once approved, they’ll be available to thousands of users through our web reader and tablet apps all over the world.

Bring your stories to the world.

Network with schools, libraries and publishers from around the world to find new readers you weren’t able to before! Unlock your books potential by having it published by one of our amazing contributors or even translated into other languages for everyone to enjoy.

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image of a boy with dollar signs

Upload and earn your share.

Half of all revenue is split with the creator community and distributed to each book based on monthly reading performance. This is a simple and easy way for you to earn money every month each time your book is read. Never lose track of your earnings. Use our new reporting tools to monitor the performance of each book every day.

See Example

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Take a look for yourself, now!

Be apart of enriching the lives of children from around world. Create your account and start uploading books today and see how how powerful free online marketing and digital distribution can be.


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