Podcasts Michigan Avenue Media Inc.

This is an Example of a Podcast - Children's Authors Need Promotional Marketing -
Join Marsha when she welcomes Crystal L Gauthier and Judy Snider on January 15 at 4EST 3 CST 2 MT 1 PST. It's going to be a lot of fun! They will be discussing writing and marketing and how to make time to write more while marketing your work. It's a common problem but help is on the way when you realize you need affordable promotional packages.
Chrystal is the Owner/ Publisher Southern Owl Publications, LLC and Promouvoir Promotions. Her goal is to help authors publish and market with ease. Promotional packages are their specialty. Judy Snider is an author and in addition to writing books, Judy also writes song lyrics with her husband.
Marsha is an author, screenwriter,podcast host and producer at Michigan Avenue Media Inc. She produces all the Podcasts for the Network.
Please feel free to contct us at www.marshacaspercook.com to be a guest on our show.
Marsha Casper Cook
For more info please contact Marsha at : http://www.michiganavenuemedia.com