Handheld Gaming by Betsy Rathburn | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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Handheld Gaming

Handheld Gaming
Average: 3 (2 votes)

Take it on the go! Handheld games let people keep playing no matter where they are. In this fun title for reluctant readers, engaging text explores the history of handheld gaming from the first handheld devices to the most popular ones played today. Readers will learn how the devices have changed, which games are popular, and what events bring the gaming community together. Special features include a timeline, list of best-selling games, a popular game profile, and more!

Book Details

Pages: 24
Reading Level: Intermediate (6 to 9)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781648341342
Categories: Action Adventure, Boys, Fantasy
Features: Photos
Keywords: video games, handheld, on the go, mario, nintendo, playstation
Date Added: March 19, 2021