The Rabbit and the Field of Gold by Joshua Okoromodeke | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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The Rabbit and the Field of Gold

The Rabbit and the Field of Gold
Average: 4 (4 votes)

The Rabbit and the field of goldA story of Humphrey and Harry – two Rabbit brothers – that highlight on the reward of hard work, perseverance and consistency. After his death, the two brothers inherited a large farmland their father left behind. Known for his laziness, Humphrey often times spend his day in his farmland with nothing achieved; while Harry – a hard working Rabbit – had bountiful harvests. Seeing Harry’s successes, Humphrey desired to swap his land with Harry so that he could have all the harvests to himself even though his land was the biggest. A goodly Rabbit, Harry innocently agreed to his swap deal proposal unknowing it would be the beginning of great fortune for him. The land is a gold mine. Humphrey’s younger brother Harry discovered gold buried in the land after possessing a complete legal ownership of it at which time it was already too late for his brother.

Book Details

Pages: 35
Reading Level: Advanced (9 to 13)
Language: English
Categories: Action Adventure, Animals & Creatures, Educational
Features: Illustrations, Chapters
Keywords: rabbit, gold mine, animal farm, food, success, wealth
Date Added: February 26, 2021