“Happy Thanksgiving Day” is a delightful story/song combination for children as they listen and follow along word-for-...read more
Kids will love this sweet story/song combination as they listen to “London Bridge,” and follow along word-for-word in the...read more
What I See In Fall introduces emergent readers to the sights of fall while providing them with a supportive first...read more
What I See In Fall introduces emergent readers to the sights of fall while providing them with a supportive first...read more
This is your guidebook to celebrating October’s well-known and wacky holidays! Featured days include National Magic Day...read more
This is your guidebook to celebrating September’s well-known and wacky holidays! Featured days include International Talk...read more
Sometimes it is tough when you don’t quite fit in. But even in a pumpkin patch, appearances aren’t everything. The story...read more
Learn the Seasons with the CanDos! Colorful and full of fantasy, this story brings the seasons to life through the eyes...read more
Children will love the classic nursery rhymes—including a new, happy ending to Humpty Dumpty’s tale—in this colorfully...read more