Lessons (Page 69)
Meet Princess Dessabelle, a spoiled, lonely princess with a quick temper. When she meets a classmate, she orders him to...read more
Richard picks his nose, until one day he discovers the perils of his habit. When his finger gets stuck up his nose,...read more
Children will be captivated by the story of mischievious Milly the Meerkat. Whilst on lookout duty, Milly gets bored and...read more
Igvillu said to herself, "When I grow up, I am going to be a St. Bernard." She dreamed about running in the deep, pure-...read more
Jadyn and Genesis want to play together but neither one wants to play what the other wants to. What will they do? Will...read more
Your child will have a blast reading about numbers and counting with this entertaining and delightfully illustrated book...read more
A Behind-the-Scenes Look at "The Rusty Bucket Kids: Lincoln, Journey to 16" is written by twelve-year-old Roxanna Demers...read more
Qui peut résister à la vue d'un petit chaton ? Certainement pas nos bambins qui saississent toutes les occasions pour les...read more
Who can resist the playful antics of a small kitten? Certainly not our little children who take every opportunity to...read more
Una valiosa historia acerca de la auto estima y la igualdad contada con base en la confianza de un gato grande, gordo,...read more