The Day No One Played Together by Donalisa Helsley | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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The Day No One Played Together

The Day No One Played Together
The Day No One Played Together
Average: 4 (8 votes)

Jadyn and Genesis want to play together but neither one wants to play what the other wants to. What will they do? Will they be able to brainstorm and find a way to play together? Will they play alone? “The Day No One Played Together” teaches an important lesson in a fun way. Join these sisters in the first of their series.

Book Details

Pages: 28
Reading Level: Intermediate (6 to 9)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-61225-064-9
Categories: Family & Friends, Girls, Growing Up
Features: Illustrations
Keywords: friendship, playing, fighting, compromise, disagree, agree
Date Added: October 4, 2011