Environment (Page 17) | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book Library

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Environment (Page 17)

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What I See In Summer introduces emergent readers to the sights and activities of summer while providing them with a...read more

Pages 18 Reads 0
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What I See In Fall introduces emergent readers to the sights of fall while providing them with a supportive first...read more

Pages 18 Reads 3
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What I See In Winter introduces emergent readers to the clothing, activities, and sights of winter while providing them...read more

Pages 18 Reads 3
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In From Wheat to Bread, early fluent readers learn how bread is made, from wheat being harvested, to it being milled into...read more

Pages 24 Reads 1
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In From Garden to Pickle, early fluent readers learn how a pickle is made, from a cucumber growing to it being cut,...read more

Pages 24 Reads 0
Average: 5 (1 vote)

In From Cow to Cheese, early fluent readers learn how cheese is made, from cows producing milk to cheesemakers processing...read more

Pages 24 Reads 5
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In From Seed to Jam, early fluent readers learn how jam is made, from strawberry plants growing, to cooking the fruit, to...read more

Pages 24 Reads 1
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In From Flower to Honey, early fluent readers learn how honey is made, from bees collecting flower nectar to beekeepers...read more

Pages 24 Reads 1
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In Where Does Recycling Go?, early fluent readers follow recyclables as they leave the home and head to a recycling plant...read more

Pages 24 Reads 1
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In Where Does Water Go?, early fluent readers follow water as it leaves the home through pipes and channels to septic...read more

Pages 24 Reads 1
