Environment (Page 18) | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book Library

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Environment (Page 18)

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In this book, early fluent readers will learn how sea slugs use varying bright colors to both warn off predators and...read more

Pages 24 Reads 8
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In this book, early fluent readers will learn about the markings and colors of mandarinfish and how these fish live in...read more

Pages 24 Reads 2
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In this book, early fluent readers will learn how flamingos get their pink feathers, as well as how they live and behave...read more

Pages 24 Reads 11
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In this book, early fluent readers will learn how chameleons use colors to camouflage themselves, heat themselves with...read more

Pages 24 Reads 11
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In Shooting Stars, early fluent readers will explore the science behind shooting stars and the differences between...read more

Pages 24 Reads 9
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In Rainbows, early fluent readers will explore the science behind the optical illusions of rainbows. Vibrant, full-color...read more

Pages 24 Reads 5
Average: 1 (1 vote)

In Where Does Water Go?, early fluent readers follow water as it leaves the home and travels either to a septic tank or a...read more

Pages 24 Reads 2
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What I See In Winter introduces emergent readers to the clothing, activities, and sights of winter while providing them...read more

Pages 18 Reads 14
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What I See In Summer introduces emergent readers to the sights and activities of summer while providing them with a...read more

Pages 18 Reads 17
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What I See In Spring introduces emergent readers to the weather patterns, clothing, and sights of spring while providing...read more

Pages 18 Reads 18
