The Enchanted Guitar

Summary of “The Enchanted Guitar”Celine Rose MariottiIllustrated by Jose Sanchez “The Enchanted Guitar” is the story of little Katie whose grandmother buys her a play guitar. The play guitar is enchanted and when Katie picks it up to play with it, it begins to speak to her. It tells her that it will instruct her on how to play the guitar and when she has learned it will turn into a real guitar. So, Katie gets busy learning how to play. The play guitar instructs her on all the open strings first, E, A, D, G, B, and E. Then it begins to instruct her on the notes on each fret of each string. For instance, the first string, the first fret is F and the third fret is G. As she learns the notes on the frets, it then begins to teach her how to play the chords like the C chord, the G chord, the G7 chord and others. She then learns to play a song. That night while she’s sleeping, the play guitar magically becomes a real electric guitar and an amplifier appears too. This is the story of “The Enchanted Guitar”. For each part of the story, Jose did illustrations depicting Katie playing either the F note or the C chord and I instructed him on where her fingers should be placed. He followed my careful instructions and really came up with some exact, beautiful illustrations. Celine Rose Mariotti Shelton, CT Author and Poet
Book Details
Reading Level: Advanced (9 to 13)
Language: English
Categories: Art, Educational, Family & Friends
Features: Illustrations, Chapters
Keywords: guitar, enchanted, chords, frets, notes, play, music