A Peek Under the Big Top by (Author) Nancy Beaule, (Illustrator) Lauren Goldstein | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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A Peek Under the Big Top

A Peek Under the Big Top
A Peek Under the Big Top
Average: 5 (2 votes)

Volume 5 in the award-winning series, Chompy & the Munchy Bunch. The circus is coming to Munchytown, and the Munchy Bunch gang volunteer in exchange for free tickets. But when Chompy's fear of clowns collides with Candybar's antics, is it a show-stopper or does the show go on? SILVER MEDAL WINNER - 2020 RPLA Awards

Book Details

Pages: 24
Reading Level: Intermediate (6 to 9)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781696089098
Categories: Action Adventure, Bed Time, Lessons
Features: Illustrations, Narrations
Keywords: circus, clowns, fears, peanuts, popcorn
Date Added: November 30, 2021