My Favorite Animal: Walrus

My Favorite Animal: Walrus
What's your favorite animal? In My Favorite Animal: Walrus, students will learn amazing facts about walruses. Each My Favorite Animal book features interesting non-fiction at a 2nd-grade reading level paired with questions throughout the text to check the reader's comprehension. Sample Text:Walruses can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes at a time. When they get to the ocean floor, they blow out air and water to stir up the sand to uncover mollusks underneath. They don’t use their teeth to chew their food. Rather, they suck out the mollusks and spit out the shell.
Book Details
Pages: 37
Reading Level: Intermediate (6 to 9)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781532405884
Categories: Animals & Creatures, Boys, Educational
Features: Illustrations, Photos
Keywords: animals, walrus, favorite animal, my favorite animal, my favorite animal walrus, walrus book, walrus facts, walrus nonfiction
Reading Level: Intermediate (6 to 9)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781532405884
Categories: Animals & Creatures, Boys, Educational
Features: Illustrations, Photos
Keywords: animals, walrus, favorite animal, my favorite animal, my favorite animal walrus, walrus book, walrus facts, walrus nonfiction
Date Added: February 28, 2020