"This A is American. A can start a word like apple. Or artist." Discover the letter A in this new series where each letter in the alphabet gets it own turn to shine. In each Discover the Alphabet book, kids will learn how the featured letter is used in the English language. Bright photographs and engaging text bring the alphabet to life in this first introduction for little ones. These beginning-level informational texts are the most robust books on the market about the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. This incredibly comprehensive collection teaches about letters as beginning, middle and ending sounds as well as how to write each letter and make each letter in sign language. Each book includes a letter to parents and caregivers, an alphabet based activity and a word list for beginning readers.
Book Details
Reading Level: Beginner (1 to 6)
Language: English
Categories: Art, Boys, Educational
Features: Illustrations, Photos
Keywords: alphabet, phonics, alphabet sounds, abc, learn abc, learn alphabet, letters, letter a, preschooler