Hamilton Troll meets Elwood Woodpecker by Kathleen J. Shields, Leigh A. Klug, Carol W. Bryant | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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Hamilton Troll meets Elwood Woodpecker

Hamilton Troll meets Elwood Woodpecker
Hamilton Troll meets Elwood Woodpecker
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Meet Elwood Woodpecker, who gets quite a headache after discovering petrified wood! Hamilton Troll remembers that the beaver brothers, Baxter and Boswell, learned about this in the past, so they go to learn more. This story teaches how petrified wood is made, how beavers build dams and that their teeth grow constantly along with how woodpeckers drill holes in trees.

Book Details

Pages: 39
Reading Level: Intermediate (6 to 9)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1941345023
Categories: Animals & Creatures, Educational, Family & Friends
Features: Illustrations, Narrations, Sounds
Keywords: woodpecker, petrified wood, beavers, beaver dam, troll, headache
Date Added: August 19, 2016