What Does It Mean To Be Kind? by Rana DiOrio, Stéphane Jorisch | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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What Does It Mean To Be Kind?

What Does It Mean To Be Kind?
What Does It Mean To Be Kind?
Average: 5 (5 votes)

A young girl finds the courage to be kind to a new student. Her kindness spreads, kind act by kind act, until everyone experiences the magic of whatit means to be kind. Winner of the Gelett Burgess Award for Life Skills and the Silver Nautilus Better Books For A Better World Award. Selected by the Great Kindness Challenge to inspire kindness in over 5 million students. 

Book Details

Pages: 36
Reading Level: Beginner (1 to 6)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781619891166
Categories: Educational, Embracing Diversity, Family & Friends
Features: Illustrations
Keywords: brave, bully, upstander, kindness, random acts of kindness, community, empowered, celebrate diversity
Date Added: August 19, 2016