When do I get paid? | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book Library

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When do I get paid?

We allow creators to choose 2 ways to get paid, by PayPal or by Check.  When you join the MagicBlox creator community, you can choose your payment method in your account profile.

If you choose to be paid by Check, we will issue payments on a quarterly basis, once you've cleared $50 of earnings.  You must add your payment mailing address that we can use to send your check to, and it's your responsibility to ensure this address is up to date.  We will process all quarterly payments within 45 calendar days after the end of each quarter, and pay all creators with earnings of more than $50 owed.  

If you choose to be paid by PayPal, we will issue payments on a monthly basis, once you've cleared $10 of earnings.  We will process all monthly payments within 31 calendar days after each month and pay all creators with earnings of more than $10.

All earnings will be rolled over from month to month until the minimum payout amount is reached.


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