English (Page 147) | MagicBlox Kid's Books by Language

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English (Page 147)

Average: 5 (1 vote)

In Armadillos, beginning readers will follow an armadillo in the wild as it digs a burrow and stays safe from predators....read more

Pages 24 Reads 27
Lords of the Arctic
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Yutu is a fifteen-year-old boy who lives in the Arctic region, and has been closely watching a family of polar bears....read more

Pages 86 Reads 3
Quirky Iceland
No votes yet

Iceland is a special country, with many unique features like: housing, language, geography, weather, food, clothing,...read more

Pages 24 Reads 4
The Howdy Doo
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Come along on a jolly cruise with the crew of theHowdy Doo as she sails from one adventure toanother. It is a perfect a...read more

Pages 42 Reads 15
Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Cindy, the main character is faced with her new reality. She is presented with new challenges and disappointments. She...read more

Pages 47 Reads 599
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Susie, Elizabeth, Tess, and Amelia have been together for as long as they can remember. But things are changing this year...read more

Pages 366 Reads 14
Jindo and the Moon (Korean version)by Helen T. Kim
Average: 4 (3 votes)

Little Jindo awakens to embark on an exciting adventure,guided by his friend, the moon.  Sliding on sand dunes...read more

Pages 44 Reads 131
The First Day of School
No votes yet

This book follows Billy as he adjusts to starting a new school. This book is a fun yet informative fiction book about the...read more

Pages 13 Reads 33
Average: 5 (1 vote)

In this installment of the Billy's Adventure Series, William tries out for a team and grapples with success and failure...read more

Pages 14 Reads 23
Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

In this installment of the Billy Adventure Series, Ella takes center stage. She is upset about what her classmates said...read more

Pages 13 Reads 154
