The Little Rose is a timeless, heartwarming story about embracing who you really are. Finely...read more
Once upon a time there was a boy named David. This boy was very short and tiny. There was a classmate at the school,...read more
Different, therefore bullied? We are all different — even in our appearance. Our uniqueness should be celebrated. Little...read more
In this book, readers will learn about serious illnesses and the physical, mental, and emotional effects the illness can...read more
In this book, readers will learn about divorce, what it can mean for families, and how to cope with it, communicate about...read more
In this book, readers will learn about healthy ways to cope with the death of a loved one, the different stages of...read more
In this book, readers will learn to identify the different forms of bullying, ways they can cope with it and help stop it...read more
Written by veteran Video Game Producer and bullying survivor Scott Langteau, "Bullied" is a modern-day inspired anti-...read more
This story follows Shimmy the shark as he becomes the first boy to dance at his school. Join Shimmy and all his...read more
Book three of the Ginger Ninja. There's a new teacher at school and he's determined to make Ginger and Tiddles friends...read more
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