Leslie Breen Withrow | MagicBlox Kid's Book Creator

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Leslie Breen Withrow

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¡Las vacaciones son tan divertidas! Siga a lo largo como un joven toma fotos mientras viaja a la casa de su tía Roxie en...read more

Pages 19 Reads 2
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Los niños aprenderán la importancia de palabras como: reducir, reutilizar, y reciclá con este libro lleno de hechos...read more

Pages 19 Reads 1
What A Zoo
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A trip to the zoo has never been more fun! A young girl explains to her daddy all of the wonderful animals she sees when...read more

Pages 19 Reads 3
Picture Perfect Vacation
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Vacations are so much fun! Follow along as a young boy takes pictures as he travels to his aunt Roxie’s cottage at the...read more

Pages 19 Reads 13
The Grocery Jungle
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A trip to the grocery store has never been more fun! When a young boy heads to the grocery store with his mom, he is...read more

Pages 19 Reads 2
Go Green
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Kids will learn the importance of words like: reduce, reuse, and recycle with this fact-filled book about respecting the...read more

Pages 19 Reads 6