Eileen Morris | MagicBlox Kid's Book Creator

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Eileen Morris

Benny’s Best Latke Ever!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The town of Bissel is where Benny lives. Benny is so happy to live in the town of Bissel. Everyone knows one another and...read more

Pages 36 Reads 9
Grandpa Max is Here
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It was a perfectly beautiful Saturday morning when Grandpa Max arrived. He came to babysit his three grandchildren, Danny...read more

Pages 36 Reads 6
Be Nice
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This story is about a bully and opposites. You see, there is a dog and there is a cat. The dog is quiet and the cat is...read more

Pages 36 Reads 145
Mouse and Friends, Dreidels and Baytls and Gelt, Oh My!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Mouse and Friends are spending the first night of Chanukah with Zayde and Bubbie. Little did they know they'd be going on...read more

Pages 36 Reads 42
I Am So Hungry
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Maximus is so hungry he can eat a square, or a rectangle, or any other of his favorite shapes. Molly doesn't find it...read more

Pages 36 Reads 83
What is a question?
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Last Saturday, after breakfast, I was wondering, out loud, in my room, about stuff. Like, why do dogs get to play all day...read more

Pages 32 Reads 39
Mouse and Friends have a Passover Seder
Average: 3 (2 votes)

Mouse, Cat, Dog, and Bird spent much of the day picking flowers and sorting them into small, blue vases while Bubbie and...read more

Pages 32 Reads 36
Funny Jokes for Kids
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

 Do you often wonder what a ghost's nose is full of, or what a snowman eats for lunch? You don't? But does it keep you up...read more

Pages 32 Reads 122
Mouse and Friends Chanukah Show
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Mouse and Friends are at play once again. Please join the party and enjoy a special, hand puppet, Chanukah show with...read more

Pages 32 Reads 8
Mouse and Friends Play Dreidel
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Mouse, Cat, Dog, and Bird are very good friends, and love to be together. Since it is Chanukah, they all joined Mouse at...read more

Pages 32 Reads 74


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