hats | MagicBlox Kid's Books by Keyword

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“¿Cuál es tu tipo de sombrero favorito? ¿Viejas o nuevas? ¿Sombreros de sol o sombreros solo por diversión? ¿No te...read more

Pages 33 Reads 0
Hats! Hats! Hats!
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“What’s your favorite type of hat? Old hats? Or new hats? Sun hats? Or just-for-fun hats? Wouldn’t you like to wear hats...read more

Pages 34 Reads 0
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Get your reader thinking about sun safety and the different things that we use hats for. You can have them discuss the...read more

Pages 25 Reads 40
Average: 1 (1 vote)

Jeniffer Leigh Shaw is having the most terrible, awful, BAD HAIR DAY of her life! To make things worse, today her class...read more

Pages 67 Reads 63