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Average: 5 (1 vote)

Kids will love this sweet, and beautiful eBook as they watch and sing-along with this classic children’s song. As stars...read more

Pages 16 Reads 99
No votes yet

¿Qué quiere ser cuándo crezca? En Cuando crezca, descubrirá cuantas cosas diferentes podrá hacer! (What do you want to be...read more

Pages 20 Reads 0
The Spelling Test
Average: 5 (3 votes)

Volume 6 in the award-winning series, Chompy & the Munchy Bunch. Candybar tries to cheat on his spelling test...read more

Pages 24 Reads 86
Spud's First Day Surprise
No votes yet

Volume 3 in the award-winning series, Chompy & the Munchy Bunch. Salty's cousin Spud moves...read more

Pages 24 Reads 7
Cuando Crezca
No votes yet

What do you want to be when you grow up? Children will discover just how many different things you could be! Learn how to...read more

Pages 20 Reads 25