I Am: Positive Affirmations for Kids

I Am: Positive Affirmations for Kids
This unique book of affirmations for kids relates to their world, and the skills they develop at a young age. For example, “I am capable. I can do things by myself” has an illustration of a bunny brushing its teeth. “I am imaginative. I can pretend” has a rhino dressed as a pirate. Give your child a boost in their self-confidence with this charming book. Open now and enjoy!
Book Details
Pages: 25
Reading Level: Beginner (1 to 6)
Language: English
Categories: Family & Friends, Growing Up, Self Esteem
Features: Illustrations
Keywords: self esteem, self confidence
Reading Level: Beginner (1 to 6)
Language: English
Categories: Family & Friends, Growing Up, Self Esteem
Features: Illustrations
Keywords: self esteem, self confidence
Date Added: June 25, 2021