Benito to the Rescue by Brooke Welsh | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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Benito to the Rescue

Benito to the Rescue
Benito to the Rescue
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Gabriela was beginning to think she would never fit in and make friends at her new school. Could a rescue dog provide her with a much needed friendship? Join Gabriela and her four-legged friend as she learns some life lessons she will never forget. 

Book Details

Pages: 32
Reading Level: Intermediate (6 to 9)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-63233-075-8
Categories: Animals & Creatures, Family & Friends, Girls
Features: Illustrations
Keywords: pets, dogs, moving, shelter, home, emotions, new student, relocation
Date Added: January 13, 2020