Don't Put Your Socks on the Fox! by Marilee Joy Mayfield | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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Don't Put Your Socks on the Fox!

Don't Put Your Socks on the Fox!
Don't Put Your Socks on the Fox!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

"Don't put your socks on the fox!" is a rhyming digital picture book with very simple text that's lots of fun to read aloud. At the beginning of the book, the children are not paying much attention to the animals in their surroundings. In fact, in some cases, the animals are getting overlooked. They're definitely not getting the respect they deserve! But, by the time you reach the end of the book, everything has turned around. The children and the animals are engaged in fun activities together, even if they might never happen in the real world! The cute rhymes by Marilee Joy Mayfield and the detailed, colorful illustrations by children's artist Nina Dolgopolova will make this e-book enjoyable to share again and again.

Book Details

Pages: 55
Reading Level: Beginner (1 to 6)
Language: English
Categories: Animals & Creatures, Educational, Imagination
Features: Illustrations
Keywords: rhyming, fox, socks, skink, drink, pig, wig, owl, towel
Date Added: April 17, 2018