Bad Hair, Good Hat, New Friends by Valerie Allen | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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Bad Hair, Good Hat, New Friends

Bad Hair, Good Hat, New Friends
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Jeniffer Leigh Shaw is having the most terrible, awful, BAD HAIR DAY of her life! To make things worse, today her class is putting on their "Fancy Dancin' Show" for kids in the hospital. Jennifer begs her BFFs to help her fix her hair. If they can't fix it, she won't go!The drama escalates as Jennifer changes clothes, tries on different hats, and uses Mom's makeup to create a Bad Hair distraction. Finally, Jennifer and her BFFs are sure they have found the perfect solution--until they arrive at the hospital. Now Jennifer and her BFFs are faced with a BAD HAIR CRISIS! How will they be able to solve that problem?

Book Details

Pages: 67
Reading Level: Advanced (9 to 13)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781463718961
Categories: Dance, Embracing Diversity, Family & Friends
Features: Chapters
Keywords: hair, hats, bff, friends, best friends, hospital, dancing, school, teachers, sick
Date Added: May 8, 2018