The Super Rescue Team - The Recycle Adventure by Cathrine Ebbesen | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book

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The Super Rescue Team - The Recycle Adventure

The Super Rescue Team - The Recycle Adventure
The Super Rescue Team - The Recycle Adventure
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The Super Rescue Team - The Recycle Adventure is a wonderful children's book with bright and fun pictures perfect for a bedtime story or as an easy reader book. The Super Rescue Team is a children's book series about three little raccoons that save the world. Nothing is too small or too big for The Super Rescue Team. This time they go to the Great Forest.

Book Details

Pages: 35
Reading Level: Beginner (1 to 6)
Language: English
Categories: Action Adventure, Animals & Creatures, Bed Time
Features: Illustrations, Photos
Keywords: educational, recycling, racoon
Date Added: September 3, 2015
The Super Rescue Team - The Recycle Adventure by Cathrine Ebbesen | MagicBlox Online Kid's Book


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